1 day inspiring workshop to enable you to live the life you love!

The MASTER YOUR LIFE with Tiny and Judy workshop provides you the opportunity to identify your own unique set of values, acknowledge your own specific mission in life, manifest the life you would love and to work on your greatest emotional charges and challenges using the Demartini Method® that will dissolve your resentments in a matter of hours instead weeks, months or even years using contemporary counseling. It is an effective means of transforming
any form of stress or conflict.

This is a unique opportunity to apply the Demartini Method® principals and for you to master your life. Presented and facilitated by Tiny and Judy who are dedicated to inspiring millions around the world to find their mission and master their lives, they will assist you through any blocks you may face and help you see the truth of your own potential and unlock your inner genius.

In addition a 1h45m consult with either Judy or Tiny plan you’re your goals for 2012, document and chunk them down to bite size manageable To Do tasks to ensure they are achieved (date to be mutually agreed and to take place after the 1 day workshop)

Four dates available in 2011:

  • 19 November 2011,
  • 20 November 2011,
  • 10 December 2011
  • 11 December 2011


Court De Waal, Mill Street, Gardens, Cape Town.  Each day 8am – 6pm


R3 300
investment for both the workshop and one on one consult

 (cost includes
workshop notes, tea, coffee and lunch at workshop)

*For Bookings & Specials: judy@tinyandjudy.com or +27824413701