(taken from Dr Demartini’s website www.drdemartini.com)

The Demartini Method® is a breakthrough discovery and cutting edge
personal transformation methodology which results in a new perspective and
paradigm in thinking and feeling.

Developed by Dr. John Demartini, it is the culmination of more than 36 years of research
and studies in numerous disciplines including physics, philosophy, theology,
metaphysics, psychology, astronomy, mathematics, neurology and physiology.

Check out Master Your Life and Live the Life you Love

The Demartini Method is:

  • A systematic pre-determined series of mental questions directed toward the
    objective of assisting an individual to feel present, certainty and gratitude.
  • A procedure that neutralizes an individual’s emotional charges, balances his or
    her mental and physical reactions, opens his or her heart and clears his or her
  • A continuous thinking process and writing action repeated over a course of time
    that results in a resolution of dis-equilibrated perceptions.
  • A reproducible science enabling individuals to discover the underlying order
    governing their apparent daily chaos.

The Demartini Method is the most powerful, effective and efficient methodology in
personal transformation. It is an effective means of transforming any form of
stress or conflict.

The Demartini Method is now being used in over 58 countries throughout the world.
Millions of individuals have now heard of this stress reducing, conflict
resolving method. It is presently being introduced to psychologists,
psychiatrists, social workers, health professionals, prison workers, police, business
executives, financial specialists, film producers, actors, politicians, and
U.N. delegates.


The Demartini Method is an algorithm. An algorithm is a systematic procedure that
produces – in a finite number of steps – the answer to a question or the
solution of a problem. It involves the art of reckoning or the art of
calculating until certain. For questions or problems with only a finite set of
cases or values an algorithm always exists; it consists of a table of values of
the answers. An algorithm is also a procedure for solving a mathematical
problem in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an
operation; broadly: a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or
accomplishing some end.

The Purpose of The Demartini Method®

The Demartini Method® was developed for the purposes of:

  • Dissolving stress
  • Balancing unequal emotional perceptions
  • Dissolving distractions and mind chatter
  • Reconciling and dissolving conflict
  • Breaking through plateaus and stagnation resulting from fear and guilt
  • Synthesizing any form of complementary opposite
  • Dissolving decision paradoxes
  • Experiencing clarity of vision
  • Generating greater degrees of gratitude, love, certainty, and presence
  • Enabling you to have a glimpse of the Grand Organized Design
  • Appreciating perfection and order

Benefits of Completing The Demartini Method®

As a cutting-edge personal transformation methodology, The Demartini Method® can assist you in transforming all seven areas of your life:


  • Awakens your mind to an underlying hidden order
  • Awakens and humbles your mind to a greater intelligence inherent in nature.
  • Opens your mind to greater wisdom and truth.
  • Opens your heart to greater love and appreciation.


  • Organizes your ideas and thoughts, bringing order out of chaos.
  • Expands your mind and awakens your intuitive faculties.
  • Clears away your emotionally-charged memories and imaginings.
  • Helps you develop more certainty and presence.


  • Adds more certainty and clarity to your career direction.
  • Enables you to see the pros and cons of decisions, in advance.
  • Inspires a greater inner drive.
  • Increases wise action and decreases foolish reaction.


  • Helps you develop greater self-worth.
  • Decreases your excuses that tend to sabotage wealth.
  • Moderates your over or under spending.
  • Expands your time horizons and patience.


  • Enhances intimate communication.
  • Resolves conflict.
  • Decreases blame.
  • Adds respect and understanding.


  • Generates leadership qualities.
  • Helps you breakthrough fears and guilt.
  • Adds clarity to your mission and direction.
  • Brings understanding to world events.


  • Clears emotionally charged tensions.
  • Dissolves stress and adds vitality.
  • Calms emotions and relaxes muscles.
  • Makes you feel lighter and sleep sounder.

The Demartini Method will bring more heart and soul into your home and work place

– Adds greater ‘spirit’ to your life

– Provides you distinct leadership advantages

– Links your head and heart together, bringing your mind and heart into a joint venture

– Provides you true love which powers up your whole system

– Eliminates your feelings of blame and victimization that disempower you

– Provides continuity between your intuition and intelligence

– Provides the most powerful means for shifting your states of consciousness

– Increases the quality of your life

– Builds your confidence and magnetism

– Allows you deeper levels of love

– Provides you greater health

– Provides you new creative insights and perspectives

– Allows you greater intuition and inspiration

– Neutralizes your blocked emotions

– Dissolves protective shells around your heart

– Improves your cardiovascular function


The Demartini Method Provides you greater energy and vitality

– Acts as your battery booster

– Clarifies your mental distractions

– Improves your immune system functions

– Encourages within you true and balanced caring

– Changes your self elevating or self-defeating behaviors into ones building greater

– Revitalizes your bored or burned-out relationships

– Transforms your worry, anxiety and guilt into healthy, productive actions

– Heightens your courage

– Increases your mental effectiveness

– Rebalances your emotional imbalances

– Harmonizes your male and female energies

– Transforms your energy-draining judgments into love

– Clarifies your confusions

– Enhances your interpersonal communications

– Awakens your inner motivation

– Improves your financial well-being and self-worth

– Inspires you to have greater overall appreciation for life.

The Demartini Method® appears to impact the function of the hypothalamus, amygdala, and limbic structures – the primary centers of primitive emotional expression – fear, guilt, empathy, sympathy, aggression.

How did the Demartini Method® originate?

I have been asked many times by many people as I have traveled the world, how did I ever come up with The Demartini Method®.

At age 17, shortly after a near death experience, and upon meeting an amazing and inspiring teacher named Paul C. Bragg, I had a dream and vision to become a great teacher, healer and philosopher, to travel the world and step foot on every country on the face of the Earth, to share my research findings with those who were receptive and to live an amazing and privileged life. At age 18, while sitting on the floor of my room at my parent’s home, I began reading The
Discourse on Metaphysics by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, the German philosopher.

In the first chapter of this great classical book Leibniz shared his insights concerning what he called the divine perfection, divine beauty and divine order in the universe. He believed there was an underlying, hidden order in the universe that very few people ever became aware of or understood. Their lives of those who did were changed forever, but the majority of people would never come to know the divine order. As I read further, tears of inspiration came to my eyes. I felt in my heart that what he was sharing had some morsel of truth in it. I dreamed of being one of the few who became aware of and understood this hidden order.

From that moment on I set out to find the universal principles that governed such an underlying order. This exploration led me to studying everything and anything that I could find that might assist me in this endeavor. I explored many disciplines – physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, chemistry, theology, metaphysics, psychology, neurology and many dozens of others – all for the purpose of hopefully unveiling the keys to this underlying order.

During those early months of research I came upon a sub-discipline of physics, called Quantum Physics. It was during this detailed study that I was introduced to the mind-expanding concepts of particles and waves, collapsing wave functions, and the generation and annihilation of particles. It is here that an intuitive leap occurred. It had been discovered in quantum physics that when charged particles of matter and their complementary opposite antiparticles of antimatter collided – light emerged. At once I wondered if two charged, yet complementary opposite
emotional states were to be united, could ‘enlightenment’ emerge. This was the very conception of The Demartini Method®. I pondered the possibility that true science (physics) and true religion (metaphysics) were somehow the same and both were somehow united by light.

Around the same time I also came upon a series of texts entitled the World of Mathematics by James Newman. The last chapter of the third text of this series was discussing ‘divine beauty’. Here it discussed how, when certain mathematical proportions were used in architectural design, they were perceived as sacred and initiated a state of grateful awe and inspiration in the human
psyche of those viewing the edifice. I wondered at the time whether these same proportions could somehow be realized in human perceptions at will and whetherthey could be recognized and inherent in natural daily events.

Over the years since then, I discovered that not only were these proportions lying within daily events but, that through a series of complementary quality questions, these awe-inspiring states could be realized and systematically initiated. The Demartini Method® was born.

From that time forward new refinements and new insights have been incorporated periodically into this special method and application feedback has helped further develop The Demartini Method® to where it is today.

The Demartini Method, a powerful, transferable, reproducible tool for global human transformation.

Check out Master Your Life and Live the Life you Love